hydrocodone and carbonated drinks

Carbonated Drinks Syrup Sippin Nigga. One who Sips Syrup. Syrup being any Prescription cough syrup. containing Promethazine or Codeine. The Female version would be S
I have a prescription for hydrocodone 10/200 (it's a capsule specially made with 10mg's of hydrocodone and 200 of Acetaminophen) that I can take up to 3 times a day
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hydrocodone and carbonated drinks
What Causes Carbonation in SodaUrban Dictionary: codeine &.
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hydrocodone and carbonated drinks
Drinking | LIVESTRONG.COMcodeine/promethazine cough syrup mixed in with some sprite. serve it up in a white styrafoam cup with some ice and your good to go. you can mix it